Although there is plenty to catch you up on, I'm going to focus on some super cute things my daughter has been doing are some snapshots.....
Eric and Genni were carving pumpkins and Eric took the top off, Eric told her "now we have to scoop out the inside" my daughter looks at the pumpkin and says to her father "Daddy, little girls do not scoop out pumpkins with their hands, my hands will get dirty" "do you want to use a spoon?" "yeah...(disgusted look on her face)"....hahahaha can you you believe it!
We were at dinner with Eric's parents the other night and Genni was trying unsucessfully to get grandma's attention...."Grandma keep your eyes on me!"
She loves driving her little tractor around - but as soon as we get her turning the wheel one way she just leaves it there instead of going back to the middle so she usually ends of driving in a circle.
She has become afraid of bugs! It has been warm out so when the outside light is on at night and we let the dogs in or out bugs fly around the kitchen till they get caught in the lights - she freaked out the other night! I finally convinced her that the bug was not going to hurt her and that it would eventually just sit somewhere. But it reminded me of the day we were on her tractor and she made us come inside because she didn't like the bugs flying around her. What a girly girl!
Another time recently Eric took the sweeper around and got a whole bunch of leaves raked into a pile in the backyard. It was about as tall as me when we were done and we threw Genni into the pile over and over - she would giggle and roll down the mound, we'd rake it back up and do it again. It was a great day, and she never got tired of being thrown into that leaf pile. She was however very upset with daddy when he burnt the leaves. (Which I just discovered is now illegal in NY?!?! Jeesh!)
Yesterday morning I mentioned something to Eric about remembering to take the oboes out of the car for Ken when he got to school....when Eric picked Genni up she says "Daddy, did you take mommies elbows out of the car for Ken or did you forget?" hahaha - now he can never escape!
Every night before we go to bed we say prayers, Genni has a whole list of stuff that I've tried to cut down to "just people hunny" "Oh ok, how about my fan?" "no, people" "my door? my humidifier? my curtains?" The funny thing is she knows exactly what I mean, she's just saying it to be difficult. She also says every single night, "and two mommies and two daddies" "you only have one mommy and daddy hunny" "I have a mommy and Graham has a mommy and I have a daddy and Graham has a daddy and that's two mommies and two daddies" Well I guess I can't argue with her math.
When I go downstairs at church to get her from Sunday School after the service she is sooooo excited to show me all of the crafts and coloring and glueing she has done, literally jumping up and down, it's so cute.
She is aways saying "when I get bigger and bigger I will....."
I was so impressed last night, after doing her little wooden puzzles together a few times she told me to close my eyes and not look so she could do it herself (the only danger was that I would fall asleep) and she did all four of them without any help from anyone....she is getting so big!
Eric got her this little leap frog thing that is a screen with a magnetic drawing pad on top so it will tell her how to make a letter and she can trace it with the pen and then erase it and do another. I'm so impressed that she can hold the pen correctly without having ever been told and is really doing well at tracing the can she have grown this much!
She can basically get dressed on her own now if I lay the clothes out the right way...bedtime is lots easier. Now if she could just do her own lotion....:)
At her dr. appointment the other week she had an eye test where she had to say the shapes and she did each one perfectly (I was so proud) and then she did the hearing test and followed the nurses directions so well that the nurse was impressed and said "she is a very smart three year old, I always have to repeat those directions, noone ever gets it on the first try!" (proud mama) the Dr. also didn't bat an eye about her food allergies other than to ask if the rice milk is fortified and to say she'll probably grow out of them eventually. He also sggested she take a vitamin but he says that to everyone when they get this age. She has been taking some the last few days but I'm not convinced she isn't having a reaction to them (they have Vitamin E which is generally derived from soy, but we said we would try them and see) but what vitamin doesn't have E?
Well I guess that is enough for now.....more cute things to come
abonnement IPTV
3 years ago