Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Well for those of you who haven't heard yet, we are indeed expecting a baby about June 9th, 2010! It's too early to tell if it's a boy or girl (everyone's first question) at this point I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow and we have to wait till 20 to tell that, and yes I will find out. We have a girls name we like (Isabelle) but don't have a clue for boys names so suggestions are welcome! Just don't be mad if we don't take your suggestion:).

Genni has two questions about the baby - "when is the baby coming out of your belly?" and "How is the baby going to get out of your belly?" I'm sure there is a book for that one! Since her understanding of the passage of time is not good yet I've already gotten the when question a lot. I figure she will stop asking eventually....

People are always asking me how I feel....I remember getting that a lot last time too. I was pretty sick the first few weeks but I'm starting to feel better now and most of the bad times are at the end of the day when I can just sit and do nothing. My 8th graders think I have been cranky....I want to tell them how whiney and moody they are this year and their only excuse is hormones:).

This past Friday was the first ultrasound and when we saw and heard the heartbeat we both breathed a huge sigh of relief and felt safe making the pregnancy known. So we have two little pictures and a DVD of the ultrasound...at this point the baby has a huge head but at least has no tail anymore:). Last week he/she was olive sized and this week we are supposed to reach an inch and a half I think. Crazy to think of something so tiny that actually has a beating heart inside me while I just go about my day. I think the fact that it took so long was so frustrating this time around makes us really think about everything in a different light. Even though I'm tired and feel sick a lot I'm much less stressed now that I know that I'm pregnant and that everything is going swimmingly (well at least one of us is swimming all the time right! haha)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November Days

Hello! Yes I am still alive, and we are all healthy - lately my schedule has not been conducive to writing but I hope to catch you up! October was full of football games, musical and play rehearsals and drumline practice, parades, homecoming at both schools, going to the pumpkin patch and meeting up with some long lost cousins, London Meetings, Band Aide meetings and Dr appointments. Suffice it to say, we have hoarded our at home time and with Festivals and trips to plan and advisor duties and I don't find much time at school to write notes. So anyway, back to November. This months big activities are the Fall Show, the Campbell Show Eric is helping with, Area All State, Thanksgiving, Tip off tournaments and the Festival of Lights Parade.

Now on to stories of my daughter, who says the cutest things...I am so thankful that she sleeps through the night most nights and that she hasn't been up at 5:30 AM since the time change. I love when she wakes up in a good mood, but every once in awhile she wakes up a huge crank and just wants mommy to hold her and do all manner of things for her....I want to go downstairs, get milk, cereal, etc. etc. etc.....when mommy really needs to get ready for school. It's so hard not being able to just stay there and cuddle with her when she needs it....on the other hand I'm not sure if she would be happy even if I did, on days like that everything makes her cry till she wakes up a little more. Anyway, lately she has also been in a "but I don't want to......" mood...seriously sometimes it's ridiculous, "I don't want it to get dark!" "I don't want the sun to come up!" "I don't want it to be cold!" "I don't want...." Geesh child I can't control the elements!

On a good note Genni had tumbling at the YMCA on Tuesday and Laurelyn told me the teacher said Genni has a lot of natural ability and that if she is still interested in a few years she wants to pull her up to the pre-team group! Especially with her being petite she thinks she might have a future in gymnastics. I'm certainly not going to push her if she loses interest, but I'm so proud that she is doing well at it and that she has talent in something even at 3! I don't think I can quite explain to anyone that does not have a child how it feels to be proud of your child when they are good at something. It's totally different from getting compliments on their behaviour or their looks....and it's just wonderful. It totally made my day when I heard that. No matter what she decides to do later on, I will always remember that at 3 she excelled in tumbling class:). Someday my daughter will roll her eyes at me when I say that.