Monday, November 10, 2008

One day of school - then sleeping in again!

I don't know who had the idea to have us go to school for one day and then have a day off - but it totally rocks. It was so much easier to get up this morning knowing that tomorrow I get to sleep in. Of course at 6:50 today my daughter grumpily awoke because I woke her up, and yesterday she was up at 6. So maybe this will fool her into sleeping later tomorrow! I don't have anything else interesting to say - it's still Monday morning and brain is not yet awake. Random note - the times that it says I'm posting on the blog are like 3 hours off and I have no idea how to fix it - anyone have any ideas? Cheers to a relaxing week!

1 comment:

mamajoy said...

I think you're set to Pacific time. Go to the settings tab, then formatting, then set time zone to eastern.... i think.