Friday, February 13, 2009

Potty Trained!

I hesitate to do this post, I don't want to jinx myself, but I am so excited! I think Genni is potty trained! Not only that, but she did so well at the concert last night. She whispered and seemed to really understand she needed to be quiet. I'm not saying there weren't forgetful moments, but she really seemed to get it. How exciting! She really is getting to be a big girl. It is a bittersweet moment - we are so proud of them when they accomplish something new, but it's a little bit sad cause you miss the little baby they used to be - and you look ahead to how much bigger they will get someday. Ah motherhood - I'm ready for another little one - remind me that I said that when I start complaining about morning sickness and nursing all the time and lack of sleep...I wanted this remember, no sympathy when I complain:).

The day is half over and I'm getting my hair cut tonight:) and break is almost here. I'm looking forward to sleep! I also told Eric to just not expect me home till after my 5:30 haircut, and we just got paid - so I'm going shopping! Really it's just for more underwear for Genni, but I can't remember the last time I was in a store by myself with time to spend - even if it's just Walmart. I am nixing any job scare conversation from our discussions this week, we are going to enjoy our vacation and relax so we'll be fresh for the 3 week musical crunch before the show starts. If I don't get to blogging it's because I'm too busy relaxing :) (I hope)

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