So we went to the Strong Museum of Play on Friday (Genni did not want to leave, she had such a great time) with Genni's friend Ethan. Ethan is I think 3 months older than Genni, and sometimes I forget how much they can change in 3 months, so Marcie was telling us about how Etan knew all his letters by sight, and was getting confused because his mom had started the lower case with him - well I think - huh, I haven't done any letters with Genni really, I mean when she plays with blocks or we read books, but I'm sure she doesn'tknow what they all look like and thier names. So on the way home from dinner at Seneca Farms with Grandma and Grandpa last night, I start trying to do the letter G with her and the letter A on her Dora notebook - well I knew she wasn't interested and we weren't really getting anywhere so I was going to give up after a few minutes when after I erased it she said "which one is Genni?" so I wrote a G and she said "that's Genni!"- huh - so I wrote an E and she said "that's Emily" (her cousin) - huh again - Ok let's try this. Well I wrote two letters down and said - which one is Genni? which one is Emily? which on is apple? which one is cat? which one is lollipop? and Grandma and I went on like this for awhile - gosh darn it if she didn't get each one right. She can't tell you the name of it but she can tell you what word it begins. So I was all proud and amazed - this being my first time watching my own child develop like this, I figured you actually learned the names of the letters first. So today after school Grandma was over and they were playing with her wooden blocks. Now yesterday it was her choosing the right one out of two letters - this time she picks a block up and says - "this one is Seyda!" "this one is Wallace" "this one is mommy!" - she has never seen Seyda or Wallace written down - I'm always so amazed with how children's minds develop. Same with her colors, she has trouble naming them the right thing - but if she likes the color of your shirt she can go get the jar of playdough that is the same color. I can't wait to find out what she'll do next:).
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