So I keep meaning to write an entry about the wonderful things my daughter says, but I can't always remember exactly how she worded it that made it so funny. She really is getting big though, and I can't imagine what life was like without hearing her two cents about every situation. Sometimes Eric and I can't even talk to each other in the car till I remind Genni that the adults are talking and she has to be quiet for a minute. Her and Wallace are little buddies now outside - I can weed and the two of them run around together. At least he has some redeeming qualities, to date he has destroyed - the garden hose, one of the panels of our canopy, 4 pairs of my shoes, two pairs of Eric's shoes, most of the landscaping in the front, multiple holes in the yard, not to mention all of the toys we have had to throw away from his chewing and the basement door. And that's just the stuff I remember! Anyway, back to Genni.
Genni has been sitting through church for the past 5 Sundays, I'm so proud of her. She goes running up to Gary for children's time (and I do mean running) and the whole church smiles. This past Sunday she cheered after the choir sang (yay! yay mommy!) and the whole church laughed and started clapping too. You can say that my daughter certainly lightens things up. Eric and I sit there smiling like two proud parents, especially when she sits there with the older kids for children's time. Anyone who knows my daughter knows that it is sometimes tough to keep her quiet and still at the same time. But when she goes up for children's time she sits nice and straight and quiet and listens. It's so cute!
Little Miss Independant isn't always cute though - she wants a drink "I want to hold the lid!" "what do we say when we want something" "Can I hold the lid please (please being the most high pitched word of the sentence)?" "I want to put my lotion on myself!" "I want to put it on myself" "myself, myself, by by myself!" But then when it comes to things she CAN do by herself, like go to the bathroom or use her fork, all of a sudden mommy needs to do it for her - can't she make up her mind? And then there are the "why" questions - does she even listen to the answer? By the time we get down to the last why I have nothing left to say except "because" "why?" "because I said so" - those aren't good answers but I can't think of anything else to say.
Well one of the new skills my daughter has developed is somersaults. This is very early in her doing this, now she just drops and rolls.
We went to dinner with Grandma a few weeks ago - Genni loved the lake and the whole time we were eating she wanted to go see it - Grandma and Genni were watching the boats on the lake in this picture:

Well that's it for now!
Two funny stories:
During the week after Spring break, two different days she asked for "Easter eggs" for breakfast. Later on, I was making them, and she came out and asked if her "Easter Eggs" are ready.
Then, just last week, the kids were having Spanish rice with black beans in it for lunch. She ate all the beans first and then announced that she "can't have any more jelly beans because mommy said so." I tried to convince her that they are not jelly beans and since they're not candy they won't make her tummy hurt and so she could have more if she wanted them. I don't think the message got through, cause she kept calling them "jelly beans" and telling me she couldn't have any. :-)
Another funny story:
We listen to Raffi in the car sometimes and there's the Noah's Ark song on it: "Who built the ark? Noah! Noah! Who built the ark? Brother Noah built the ark!"
Genni has been singing along this week: "Who built the ark? Lola! Lola!"
hahahahaaaa At first I thought she might be saying "Nola", but no, it's definitely "Lola".
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