Well my child seems to be going through another phase...the phase where she doesn't get to sleep till 10PM! The past few nights (except for last night) have been pretty routine. We climb the stairs at 8PM - change into PJ's, do her lotion and diaper, brush teeth, wash face, read a book, rock in the chair, I sing her her bedtime songs (
Christopher Robin,
I'm a Little Teapot, and
Twinkle Twinkle. Then I put her in bed, do kisses and good nights and about 8:30 she should be on her way to dreamland....you would think. I have tried rocking her to sleep like I do for naps, sitting in her bed and getting her settled - she is just in perpetual motion! She never stops moving - itch itch rub rub twist turn - seriously never stops. Then I tell her to close her eyes and she says "but I can't see anything!" my comments are usually - "yes" or "exactly" - because yes she says this every night. Then once I leave I am called back upstairs multiple times - "I have to go potty, can I have a drink, will you take my hair ties out, I'm scared of the fan, I have a boo boo" it never ends. Now all this is normal bedtime behaviour for her but recently it has been extended quite a bit. By 10PM am tired and annoyed that I haven't gotten any "me" time - and at the same time I am thinking how cranky she will be the next day.
Well in other news - busy as always. Eric started his graduate classes this week on Monday, I had the Bradford Awards last night and Eric had the Thespian Inductions, this past weekend Eric had the Dairy Parade and I stayed home and wrote out checks. Left this week is choir tonight for me and Eric trying to borrow a lawnmower to mow the lawn since ours is broken - Friday Eric's Jazz Band is playing for Colonial days and I have to take art work to Hammondsport and my parents are coming - Saturday is Colonial Days. The year is winding down and now we need to get started on summer plans. Yay for warm weather!
OH yeah - I went with the art kids to CMOG for a Field Trip on Tuesday - here are some pics

Last week one morning I took a quick shower while the kids played in my bedroom. Genni came in and said, "You're taking a shower! My mommy takes showers sometimes."
me: "Yes. And your daddy takes showers, too."
Genni: "No, only my mommy. And I take baths!"
hahaha. just confirmation of what we already knew. ha
hahaha - that's just cause I chase daddy out of the bathroom upstairs and make him use the downstairs one if we are trying to get ready at the same time - that's funny, now she thinks he doesn't shower, hahaha!
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