So Monday morning comes and we went to see Liam about 6:00 because we know we will be kicked out from 7-9 for shift change - he's sleeping peacefully and so we just watch him for awhile and go back to the room for breakfast and a shower (well at least for me :)) before we go back at 9. So they have just had a shift change and a new admit and the nurse hasn't had a chance to really look at Liam's chart yet. We talk about how I'm anxious to nurse and I get the same old "we'll probably put what you pumped through the IV first to see how he takes it, and you won't be able to nurse till the Sipap comes off" well I said something about how they were talking about taking it off soon and putting the other thing on and she looks at the chart and says "oh! they did change that". So she gets everything ready for the change, takes him off the Sipap to breathe on his own for awhile (this is all about 9:30/10:00) and the dr. comes over for rounds. He says to her "do you think we really need that? He's been doing fine on his own for the last half hour" then he says something about food and the nurse tells him I want to start nursing and he just says "Ok lets do that" YES! I'm so glad we were there or it may have gone differently, but I was so excited that not only would we get to hold him but I could start nursing! So I stayed in the NICU till about noon and he ate on and off for the first hour and a half (making up for lost time), came back to my room for lunch and an hour of sleep before they called me back that he was hungry and he's been nursing every few hours ever since. Even all I am tired but very happy. We will be doing a lot more asking today about when he can go home because I'm going to be discharged sometime today, and we are hopeful for a positive response because he's been fine for so long and he was full term. It really just depends on who the doctor is and what his opinion is I've learned, so we will definitely be there at 9:00 so that we can influence any decision that is made. Hopefully my next post is from home!
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