Monday, June 29, 2009

Woo Hoo!

This was the old living room furnture - bought by Eric's parents when his mom went back to work after she had the boys - we have carted it from their house to MD to storage in Corning to out current house in Campbell - after about 4 hours in the front of the bushes it now belongs to someone else - when I came downstairs from putting Genni to sleep it was gone yay!

Here are the new craigslist acquisitions - $250! Can't beat it!
Almost all of our furniture is now something we have purchased or chosen to keep - I guess that means we're getting old!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stuff I missed and stuff that is coming!

So since the Genni Loves the Lake! post a few things have happened....

My husbands band got the stamp of approval about planning the trip to London! The West High Band has been invited to perform in Her Majejesties 25th anniversary New Year's Day Parade in 2011 woohoo! Super exciting!

Genni and I went to Towanda on Friday to go to Darius's 3rd Birthday party, Happy Birthday!

Monday I took the Freshman on a little class trip to Watkin's Glen (with my co-advisor) and hiked literally every single trail there - I was so whipped at the end of the day, and my knees where wicked swollen, but I survived. Not really sure if I should post the group pictures of the students since they aren't my kids, so here are a few of the Glen.

And we got a new couch and loveseat that we really like off craigslist, I'll post pictures once we figure out how to get the super duper heavy old couch out of the living room and find it a new home (preferably not up any stairs!)

And I am going to be a swim instructor at the YMCA this summer!

And we went out for our Anniversary last night, to Simon's for dinner (Eric had never been to a hibachi before and really enjoyed it, I adore the food) and then we went to see Transformers - which hasn't gotten the best reviews, and I can see why, but it was still good and I am glad we saw it. However if you are looking for a truly awesome movie to watch go see Star Trek, even if you have never seen a Srar Trek episode (which means you've probably been hiding under a rock, hehe) you'll still like the movie.

Lot's of great things happening, two more days of school - now I need to practice playing pomp and circumstance on the piano....

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Daughter and I

My daughter and I cuddle every morning in bed - even if I've already taken a shower and she had just awoken - her first comments on the day are either what she was thinking of when she went to bed the night before, or whatever exciting is going to happen today. When she wakes up first she climbs on top of me with a smile and a "mommy are you awake?"

My daughter and I get ready for the day, sometimes upset and grumpy, sometimes not,(neither of us are real morning people) but usually with a bit of a rush if there is anything at all to get ready for. She stands at the sink and brushes her teeth when I do, and watches me put my make-up on with comments of "when I get bigger and bigger and bigger then I can wear make-up" to which I reply - "yes, but not till you're in high school."

My daughter and I travel downstairs for her morning drink or breakfast - my stubborn opinionated daughter always knows exactly what she wants and it often takes all my creativeness to spin her desire around to what she should really have, especially when she starts out the day wanting chocolate chips and candy. When she doesn't get her way pouts and drama queen activities take center stage till she gets tired of time out and comes to apologize.

My daughter and I play outside - where she helps my weed the landscaping, shows me how she can finally pedal her tricycle (although she still thinks it's faster to just use her feet on the ground), makes her car crash into her bikes with a satisfying crunching sound, runs from the dogs and alternately runs after the dogs based on how she feels at the moment, cries out for bubbles and more bubbles, draws on the driveway with sidewalk chalk, and swings "all by herself" on the swingset. When mommy sits in the chairs under the canopy she crawls right up to cuddle while munching on veggie sticks or pretzels and her drink. Mommy yells at the puppy who she has noticed stole her sandal out from under her and is now trying to put teeth marks in the replacement sandals since he's already chewed up the good pair!

My daughter and I go to the grocery store - where her patience is sorely tested when we have to wait at the deli and at the butcher stations and she can't understand why she shouldn't be able to give hugs and kisses (her excuse to stand up and try to get out of the cart). She really knows how to spin things so she looks innocent, luckily I teach high school kids and I'm already wise to her antics!

My daughter and I go to sleep - we read stories, sing songs, say prayers, do PJ's, talk about the day and then sit in frustrated wiggledom while my constantly in motion, stubborn opinionated daughter tries every trick in the book to put off the act of actually closing her eyes and falling asleep. And when I get really upset she puts on the pouty face and claims she just "wants me" to cuddle with her so she can go to sleep - telling stories and only 2 1/2 - I'm really in for it!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Genni LOVES the lake!

We went to a party last night at the lake for Eric's lunch group - and my daughter had a blast! She did not want to leave the side of the lake all night. She has been excited about going in the water since we got her a bathing suit, but I wasn't really sure how she would react to actually being in the water, especially a pretty cold lake. I shouldn't have worried, she couldn't get enough. She also went out on the boat with Eric and Allison, and Eric said she was just fearless - likes going fast and was walking around all over the place. She continues to surprise me every time she does something new.
Genni actually looks at the camera and smiles
Genni is concerned because Daddys is too far away
Uh oh the waves are coming!
Daddy and Genni playing with rocks!
I never want to leave the lake!
I can see we are going to have to find a beach this summer for her to play, I think she will love playing in the sand and picking up shells - now I need to find a beach!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Photoshop Fun

In between ordering music for next year (listening to clips of music and looking at scores can only hold my attention for so long!) I was playing with some pictures I took of Genni yesterday - well actually just one of the pictures. I could literally sit there and play for hours on this program and I don't really know that much! Here are some of my attempts:

Fun times!! I love taking pictures of my daughter:)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Colonial Days Weekend

Friday - Eric's Jazz Band played for Colonial Days in the square - here he is with his seniors (he will sorely miss them!)

Friday night my parents came to visit for the weekend too!

Satuday was Colonial Days - here is most of West High's performance

Well the video wasn't loading so I'll try again later.....
Sunday was church and my parents left for home - only two weeks of school left and lots to do!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well my child seems to be going through another phase...the phase where she doesn't get to sleep till 10PM! The past few nights (except for last night) have been pretty routine. We climb the stairs at 8PM - change into PJ's, do her lotion and diaper, brush teeth, wash face, read a book, rock in the chair, I sing her her bedtime songs (Christopher Robin, I'm a Little Teapot, and Twinkle Twinkle. Then I put her in bed, do kisses and good nights and about 8:30 she should be on her way to would think. I have tried rocking her to sleep like I do for naps, sitting in her bed and getting her settled - she is just in perpetual motion! She never stops moving - itch itch rub rub twist turn - seriously never stops. Then I tell her to close her eyes and she says "but I can't see anything!" my comments are usually - "yes" or "exactly" - because yes she says this every night. Then once I leave I am called back upstairs multiple times - "I have to go potty, can I have a drink, will you take my hair ties out, I'm scared of the fan, I have a boo boo" it never ends. Now all this is normal bedtime behaviour for her but recently it has been extended quite a bit. By 10PM am tired and annoyed that I haven't gotten any "me" time - and at the same time I am thinking how cranky she will be the next day.

Well in other news - busy as always. Eric started his graduate classes this week on Monday, I had the Bradford Awards last night and Eric had the Thespian Inductions, this past weekend Eric had the Dairy Parade and I stayed home and wrote out checks. Left this week is choir tonight for me and Eric trying to borrow a lawnmower to mow the lawn since ours is broken - Friday Eric's Jazz Band is playing for Colonial days and I have to take art work to Hammondsport and my parents are coming - Saturday is Colonial Days. The year is winding down and now we need to get started on summer plans. Yay for warm weather!

OH yeah - I went with the art kids to CMOG for a Field Trip on Tuesday - here are some pics

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Genni and Emily

Aunt Sandy, Uncle Tim and Cousin Emily are up to visit - here are some pictures of the girls hanging out the past few days: