Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cranky napper

My girl wakes up soooo cranky from her naps sometimes that I wish she hadn't even taken one! Sometimes she'll just cry non-stop for a half an hour once she gets up and she can't decide whether she wants to cuddle or not so I hug her and she alternates between pushing me away and being more upset because I'm not holding her. It was so bad the other day on the way home from school/sitter's that I slammed on the brakes and pulled over (we all know that driving while your child is screaming is great for the nerves) and told her I would wait till she calmed down before I drove home. Thank goodness she stopped! I just wish she could tell me how she was feeling when she acts like that. It's so confusing!

Anyway, after another episode of post nap crying in the car, and then totally ignoring mommy's questions about her day, we arrived at Daddy's school for the hand off. Then Eric went to go get mom and take her and Genni home so he could come back and do conferences. Sometimes the most complicated part of our day is scheduling - gee I can't wait till that includes driving Genni (and whoever else may come along) to pratices too! Daddy got home right at bed time, so he got to say good night to Genni and we actually were able to spend some time together for once. Of course our time together was more spent watching CNN and complaining about FOX news coverage and rejoicing in the polls and agreeing that we can't wait for this election to be over! But hey, at least we saw each other:).

Even though Eric will be gone till late on his Eastman trip, at least I don't have any duties after school except dogs and children. If I can finally finish all of the dishes, I'll have a very relaxing evening. Cheers!

Random thought - SNOW IN OCTOBER!!!

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