Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Myself mama - do it myself.

Well - Genni has become quiet the independant. She cries whenever I buckle her in the car cause she wants to do it herself (although realitically she never has and can't yet get the bottom buckles herself, though she can do the top one with help). Sometimes there is just not enough time to let her do it - like at 7:15 when we should have left 5 minutes ago and Mommy is going to be late to school and still has to go to the babysitter. Sigh - or when she wants to put her socks and shoes on herself, again always at the times I'm most in a hurry. If I didn't like sleep quite so much it wouldn't be a problem. I'm just not a morning person. Though there are some benefits to "do it myself". On Friday, after having already gotten up twice to get my daughter more food - she was still hungry, so she went to the fridge herself, got out a cheesestick, and closed the door. I was so impressed, I said "Genni did you close the refrigerator door?" "Yes I did". Wow, ok -"here Genni can you put this in the garbage for me?" "Ok mommy". Sweet! Now if she was just big enough to do the dishes! Haha.
I guess Grandma got the first taste of Genni's more toddler type behavior yesterday. Usually Genni is awesome for everyone else, and saves all her testing for her mother. Grandma was watching her yesterday while I was teaching lessons and Eric was doing the play and I hear that my wonderful daughter said the word "no" more often than any other. Grandma even had to threaten a spanking! They say it only gets better from here:)
Well, the play is this weekend so Eric will be busy, but my weekend is pretty free. As always I'm looking forward to Saturday morning sleeping in and hanging out in bed for entirely too long while my daughter watches Word World and Big Big World and other educational programs. Then we'll go downstairs and she'll want to watch Elmo - to which my reply is always "Elmo is for after nap hunny" and without fail she will cry and complain till I send her to her couch. After a few moments of my ignoring her she'll say "mommy kisses" and come give me kisses with a cute little smile on her face. I think that smile means that I may have won the battle - but she is winning the war - haha:) Oh well - little miss independant - so long as I keep getting "mommy kisses" you can have your way every once in a while.
Till later!

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