Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Growing Up and Milk

My Genni is surely growing up - the other day she said "I'm not a young lady I'm Genni Griffin!" and this morning she was talking about us all going downstairs "and daddy and mommy and me!" I don't recall her saying me much before - mostly she refers to herself as Genni.

So we think Genni is allergic to milk - I had eliminated apple juice from her diet for a while cause she was just having so much of it and so she started drinking a lot more milk. Then we noticed her getting dark circles under her eyes and her eczema started spreading to her face (both signs of a milk allergy - not lactose, the milk protiens). So I stopped giving her milk for a day and her face showed immediate improvement. Now last night she didn't sleep throught the night, but the night before she slept from 9 to 6:30 and I had to wake her up! I'm being hopeful (and I did find some research agreeing with me) that some of her waking during the night was due to the milk allergy too. I called the pediatrician and they agreed with me that the dark circles and worsening eczema was probably milk and that I should take it off her diet for at least 3 weeks - now they suggested slowly reintroducing it after that - but that doesn't really make any sense to me. If she's allergic to it she's not going to magically get better in 3 weeks. Also they said maybe it was not really the milk so much as the amount of milk increasing - but I think it's more likely that she has always been allergic and the symptoms weren't severe enough for us to notice before. If her eczema clears up and she starts sleeping through the night then I'm not reintroducing it for quite a while. Now this is of course going to make life more interesting. Luckily she loves the rice milk and doesn't seem to care about not having the other stuff, it's cooking that'll be the problem. Eric and I are big fans of cheesy creamy stuff - so that means we have to think a lot more seriously about what we eat and whether we can adapt part of it for her to eat or not. She doesn't really know there are things she can't eat for awhile yet. It just occured to me that she is going to be extremely upset if she can't eat chocolate! I better go look for a substitute for that!

Anyway - it's still a busy week with the musical and all, but since we had Monday off it's not so bad. We start on the stage tonight blocking Act 1 scene 1 - so I'm excited to see it all come together:)

1 comment:

Karina said...

Food allergies are funny like that. They can change at any point and you could be allergic or not at all. I have a lot of them myself (discovered about 1-1/2 years ago). They also suggest rotational diets so you don't eat the same thing all the time (this can cause allergies).

Plenty of good chocolate out there, Guittard and Ghirardelli chocolate chips don't have milk products (semi-sweet). The ice cream substitutes (soy and rice) are all tasty too. Unfortunately, the cheese subs still suck (and the rice subs have casein).