Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Days

I shouldn't be happy for this snow day - I have SOOOO much work to do for Solo Fest and now I have to squeeze all of my midterms into 2 days instead of 3 - but it so nice to sleep in and play with Genni all day. I did finally find my string judge so that takes a little stress off, but there is so much paper work and logisitical stuff left to do. One of the directors emailed me saying how nice it must be to have the day off to get work done for the festival (!?!) Obviously a boy - how on earth am I supposed to get anything done with a 2-year old and two dogs (one a puppy that needs constant supervision or else he chews eveything in sight)! I'm luckily if I can have 30 second of uninteruppted time - in fact since I started this post - I had tochase the dog away from Genni's train set, take her to sit on the potty, and kiss a boo boo. And it's only one stinkin paragraph.

On the other hand, the things my daughter says crack me up! If she just wouldn't repeat them over and over and over and over - by about the 10th time it's no longer funny. I think she must drive Laurelyn crazy during the day, she just neer stops talking. Even if nothing is happening - she is thinking about something and talking about it. When I got her to sleep for her nap this afternoon I just watched her sleep for a few minutes - so this is what my daughter looks like when she's still....

Eric just came into the room complaining about trying to get something done with Genni in the room - I think it was a hint for me to help - but seriously he never gets the hint so I'm going to sit here and finish and enjoy the fact that she's leaving me alone for minute. When he complains I'll just remind him how I was trying to email my string judge half an hour ago and he sat on the couch while I asked her to leave me for just a minute so I could finish. I love you hunny! Beside her comments are so much funnier when I sit here and listen to them.

Well snow days are fun - but it's back to work tomorrow - work - play rehearsal - choir - home - get ready for the crazy weekend. Love these stolen days....

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