Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Genni LOVES the lake!

We went to a party last night at the lake for Eric's lunch group - and my daughter had a blast! She did not want to leave the side of the lake all night. She has been excited about going in the water since we got her a bathing suit, but I wasn't really sure how she would react to actually being in the water, especially a pretty cold lake. I shouldn't have worried, she couldn't get enough. She also went out on the boat with Eric and Allison, and Eric said she was just fearless - likes going fast and was walking around all over the place. She continues to surprise me every time she does something new.
Genni actually looks at the camera and smiles
Genni is concerned because Daddys is too far away
Uh oh the waves are coming!
Daddy and Genni playing with rocks!
I never want to leave the lake!
I can see we are going to have to find a beach this summer for her to play, I think she will love playing in the sand and picking up shells - now I need to find a beach!

1 comment:

mamajoy said...

her swimsuit is super cute! I love those kind.