So remember in my last post when I said I wanted to "look back" on how I was feeling when the whole job crisis hit? Well I am very blessed that it has been a relatively short period of time since I wrote that and I already have good news. This Tuesday, less than a week after I found out about the whole job and preK thing, the board voted to reinstate all the jobs they had put to half time back to full time for next year! They had enough money left over in this years budget to buy all of our supplies for next year, so next year's supply budget and whatever was budgeted for people to attend conferences (no conferences next year) will be used to make up the other half of the 3 teacher's pay that would have been cut in half. Thank God, we will still have tight finances due to two kids in daycare, but at least there is now a chance of making it work. This was an unexpected development and I can't believe things turned around so quickly!
Speaking of turning around, I did make a trip to the hospital on Wednesdy night and we thought the baby was definately coming....but we were sent home because I didn't dialate enough. This is the part where I'm going to explain about my labor pains throughout the day, so if you are a guy who rolls his eyes every time women start to talk about labor and delivery, you might want to skip over it. I'm just saying.
Tuesday night I started feeling nauseaus and by Wednesday morning I had emptied most food out of my system and when I went to the dr. that morning I told them how I felt and how I had no appetite to eat anything. They said nothing about that being connected in any way to labor. Later I read from multiple sources how sometimes your body is getting you ready for labor and that is very common before women go into labor....maybe my dr. should read more? Anyway - I left the dr. office, went to school and dragged myself around all day. Felt like I was back in my first trimester again, haven't felt like that at all since then.
So about 1:00 or so I start getting some seriously intenes Braxton Hicks like contractions (the BH has been going on for weeks) except they are accompanied with pain this time and they happened constantly. I was uncertain as to whether it was anything I should worry about but I basically ignored them and went about my day.
4ish - stayed at school a little late to get everything set in case I didn't come back in, I just had a feeling something might happen. Pain becoming more often, but I wasn't sure it was anything to worry about. Eric gets home and asks if we are going to CT this weekend, I say no - I feel like something is going to happen before then, who knows it could be tonight. So Eric starts cleaning out the van, getting the car seat ready, packing stuff, vacuuming, doing dishes....I think he was nesting ;)
5:30 - took Genni to tumbling, lady at the desk asked when my due date was and says "wow you are so low, do you think you'll make it to the 9th??" I said no.....I really didn't think so.
7:30 Home and hanging out, things progressing - more contractions, more painful, now my lower back is involved in each one and it really feels like it starts in the front of my stomach and travels back and then down to my legs. I realize they are really starting to feel like the cotractions I had with Genni before they broke my water....time isn't right though so I'm ready to wait out the night and figure by morning we'll be heading over.
10:00ish definately feeling more intense measureable contractions - once I reach 7 contractions in a row at 6 minutes apart and lasting over a minute I call the dr and ask what to do....the main thing I remember from that conversation was "well I don't have a crystal ball" very helpful. So we called mom and she came over and then left for the hospital. We arrived there about midnight - everything still going strong.
We were at the hospital till about 3:15AM, they monitored me and at first the contractions were 5 minutes apart, but I was only 2 cm dialated. So after about an hour the nurse said that the dr said (why the dr can't just come tell me I don't know, thought I paid for that but whatever) I can try walking around for a bit and see if I get any more dialation or I can go home. Home? Seriously? I'm mentally prepared for being here and having a baby and you're talking about sending me home? You mean I have to go through this whole process again? How often? Well we walked for about 45 minutes, no change in dialtion, so we went home - disappointed, very tired, and for my part embasrrased that I had been so sure and now I was on my way home.
We got home from the hospital about 4AM, crashed in the living room since mom was in our bed and caught up on sleep. I didn't go into school, I started out the day depressed and embarrased to talk to anyone who knew we had gone to the hospital the night before and was wondering if we'd had the baby yet. I'm in a better place now, willing to wait, but still anxious to see my little boy. After reading alot about so called "false labor" and how people can go into "real labor" and just not have the hormone levels to sustain it I feel like we belong in the second category, since my contractions do not sound like how they describe false labor. I also saw plenty of message boards containing many people who have goe through the same thing, so I don't feel as bad now. I do know that this time I'm not going to the hospital till my water breaks or the pain is too much to bear....I don't want to get sent home again. Don't tell Eric though, he doesn't like that attitude and thinks we should go before that (says he doesn't want to deliver the baby on the side of the road). I'll just wait and see what happens these next few weeks. Right now Liam is literally kicking my butt, so I'm going to go walk around and see if I can get him to stop:). I'll keep you updated!
abonnement IPTV
3 years ago
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