I have so many ideas about what my next blog post should be, but I feel an obligation to at least catch you up on why this has been my worst inactivity since I started this blog. This year has gone by so quickly and was so filled with stuff, it's amazing! Looks like my last post was when I was about 20 weeks pregnant, had the ultrasound where we found out I was carrying our boy, and lost our doggy companian Wallace to a car. That means I have about 15 weeks to catch you up on, and I'll give you the shorthand of what went on between January and today.
End of January - Eric and I both brought our students to the Solo Fest in Prattsburgh, and I was very happy not to be in charge for once!!
February - Super Bowl Party at the Simon's - great times and great food! Genni was so captivated by Michelle's little baby that she was right by her side every time she would nurse or change the baby. Genni is so excited about having a little brother I think she was researching what little babies do :).
Prism Concert - Very well done, West High had a great night for music!
Winter Recess - Would have been nice to get everything done we wanted too but Eric and I where both so sick that we actually had his mom come over and watch Genni, it's the first time we have both been out of commisson at the same time. I had so many plans for that week, but we ended up spending most of it in bed with the stomach flu, I don't recall ever feeling worse than that, ever. I would go through labor again before having the stomach flu.....wait it looks like I will be! Haha
Throughout this month Eric was also hard at work building the set for Peter Pan and I was hard at work with rehearsals - singing and dancing....yes the pregnant chic choreographed and taught a dance, which I have to say looked pretty darn good in the end!
March - Music Teacher Hell.....
Ok, here we go, in the month of March Eric's dad had surgery on his nose, we had 2 All-County Festivals, we went on the band trip with West to Philadelphia, we did 5 performances of Peter Pan, and we worked full tilt every day to finish the set and make sure the kids where ready for production week. And when we weren't doing all that we were teaching or I was trying to finish the mammoth of a schedule that is bringing 5 counties, 850 students, 20 adjudicators, and 25 adjudicator trainees to Bradford for the 2 day NYSSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival. I HATED the schedule aspect, but at least now I'm good at it. The show went well, we were happy to do it but also happy when it was done so we could have a life again. Such a small paragraph for such an enormous month!
April -
Well we start April with Easter, Genni had a blast with my parents up for the weekend and Easter Egg Hunts and candy and church and dying eggs, she was very happy! The next weekend Eric and I went to the East Musical Pippin, and I had the NYSSMA Festival which was a remarkable success I think, but a lot of walking and a ton of work. I was glad when that was over too, but I think it was worth it. Then we just had the normal meetings and drumline rehearsals before Spring Break. We did get a ton done during Spring Break including but not limited too - tons of laundry, sealing the driveway, installing carpet in Genni's room, painting Liam's room, cleaning up most of the house, weeding, tilling the garden, planting things....at the end we needed a vacation from our vacation! The next week I had my concert and we took my kids on their band trip to DC and VA. LOTS of walking and not a lot of sleep, but everything went well and now that is another thing on the list of "done". As an aside, my daughter now pretends to write lists just like mommy, and now that she has put on her list for mommy to have her baby brother it is OK for him to be born it seems.....I told him he must wait till after Memorial Day weekend though!
Well that is a really short recap, I'm going to add pictures soon, and hopefully now I'll be more on track with my posts!!
abonnement IPTV
3 years ago
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