Thursday, November 18, 2010

Anxiety - Performance and Seperation

I know I have a lot of catching up to do - my son is 5 1/2 months old now and the last entry was from when he was born....but for now I'm going to talk about something current:)

This struck me as a good title because it seems both of my children are going through a certain type of anxiety. Liam is at that age where he wants mommy, and only mommy, all the time. In some cases another mommy will suffice, but a boy (daddy, grandpa, or any other guy, especially with facial hair) will result in either a frown and a simpering cry - or an all out scream fest. The cure to the scream fest? Mommy need only walk over and pick him up for immediate smiles. Unfortunately, mommy likes to do things like shower. At least this time around I expect it so it's not as frustrating. And we know he'll grow out of it someday. In the meantime I'll just enjoy being his favorite thing....because eventually they grow up and get other favorite things.

Now Genni's anxiety is performance anxiety. They are doing Thanksgiving stories in preschool and everyone has a line. Of course my child knows hers, she is excellent at memorizing just like her mommy, but she refuses to say it in front of everyone. What do you do? Part of you is a little embarrased that your child is the one who won't cooperate (sorry Genni, just a little, I still love you though). And the rest of you is trying to figure out how to encourage them without pushing and not say the one thing they will always remember that will negatively effect thier ability to say things in front of a group for the rest of their lives. It's a lot of responsibility! Whatever happened to just making sure they were fed and changed and slept! This parenting thing gets harder every year. That and going from being the teacher to being the parent....that is tough.

Well - there is a lot to catch up on, camping trips, Busch Gardens and Ocean City, the marching band season, Eric's trip to London, my gallbladder surgery, Liam's escape from the hospital and first 5 months, school and new classes, Genni starting preschool and turning 4, Halloween etc. But I will try to do that in various posts instead of one huge one. So till next time.....

1 comment:

mamajoy said...

Genni may surprise you. Last year, I thought there was no way in heck G would get up in front of a big group and say a line in a story. But when the time came, he said it. It was kind of quiet and it was fast, but he said it. I think for him, when he saw that all the other kids did it, he did what they were doing.

And remember, they're 4. No one is going to hold her (or you) accountable for "ruining" anything. I'm sure the teachers have had plenty of kids who got up there and wouldn't say a thing, and I'm sure the parents understand. It's the experience for the kids that counts.

Okay, off my soapbox. :-)